Predictive Mindset – A New Way of Thinking
In order to tap into the potential of data science, you need more than a one-off investment. A new way of thinking needs to be established at all levels of the company: from ordinary workers to experts and right up to top management. If this mind shift takes place, processes can be optimised through the integration of data science technologies from the area of business intelligence and machine learning and productivity optimised while reducing costs.
We have developed a concept to establish the predictive mindset in an organisation.
Data Science and the Technology Behind It
Big data, data lake, deep learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics ... – all of these terms are frequently used today. These terms are often used by media and marketing departments to paint the picture of a digitized future, without shedding any light on what is actually behind them: each technology comes with quite specific requirements and challenges. For example, what is the use of correct decisions made with predictive analytics if the human end user disregards them? When does big data actually make sense and what is it exactly? What requirements does a data lake entail? And how can deep learning be integrated into existing business processes?
Challenges in Establishing Data Science
It soon becomes clear that introducing data science in a company is a complex undertaking: there are many things to be taken into account on both a technical and organizational level. But how can the introduction of a technology be planned without having any experience in handling it? And how can you gain experience without prior introduction?
We approach this chicken-and-egg question with our many years of experience. In training courses and knowledge transfer projects, we provide a basic understanding of the new mindset of data science and teach what is (and what is not) possible. Building on this, we work together with our customers to determine the best course of action for introducing data science into their company.